Gyldensten strand, Bogense

Gyldensten strand, Bogense

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Lars Svane
Geo: 55.57820100, 10.14277200

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Langø, 5400 Bogense

Place Description

The fox caves, WOW PARK Billund

You don't usually find a secret spot in an amusement park, but we did anyway. WoW PARK is great if you are 8 years old and want to climb the treetops or jump on the trampoline. If more is needed, the foxholes are a good bet.

The rediscovered bridge - Vestbirk

As I live right near the bridge, I had the opportunity to follow the excavation of the bridge every single day. It was exciting to see how it slowly appeared.

Jernhatten (The Iron Hat), Ebeltoft

A hill, 49 meters above sea level with a fantastic view towards the island of Hjelm. The walk goes through the forest, on a narrow path at the highest point and down the beach back to the car park.

Klostermølle, Gammel Ry

The old paper factory

Sangstrup Cliff, Djursland

A coastline with steep limestone walls.

The Garden of Ecology in Odder

The garden of ecology in Odder is really cozy with a small cafe, lots of flowers, bees, goats, sheep, donkeys and a couple of pigs.

Træskohage lighthouse, Stouby

A closed lighthouse on the north side of Vejle fjord.

Enigma machine in Skanderborg

Deep in the forest we found two large underground bunkers. One contained a genuine German Enigma encoder.

Moesgaard Manor House Garden

Next to the Moesgaard museum is the old manor house with an interresting garden.

Høgdal Silkeborg

An old farm that the Silkeborg municipality took over in 1976 and is run by volunteers.

The Seven Year Lakes at Billund

Randbøl hede and Frederikshåb's plantation is a huge area with lots of beautiful nature. Inge, took a walk in the area and here comes her exploration.

The big blue well, Arden

A fairly large well with azure blue water.

The megalithic grave Grønhøj, Horsens

The megalithic grave is from approx. 3200 BC

It was first excavated in 1832, but it went terrible wrong when one of the big cover stones in the ceiling fell down. There were two men inside the chamber, who just and hardly escaped.

Next attempt was made in 1940, where everything went as it should. The megalithic grave was restored and is still beautiful and there are probably no more stones falling down.

Christmas in the old dairy, Torrild by Odder.

Big Christmas market that is both catchy and fascinating.

Vrads Sande

A large heather area with good trails and the road that leads right through the countryside.

Forest snake Kibæk, Herning

An art project with lots of artists who have made arrangements in the forest. Really exciting and a really good excursion destination. The walk goes through woods and meadows. A really good walk of 3-4 kilometers. There can easily be 100 meters between each work of art.

Harteværket, Kolding

An active hydropower plant with an experience center.

Cycling trip Nørrestrand Horsens

Beautiful bike ride from Nordre beach road through colony gardens and reeds.

Gammelstrup Lock gate

The place is a fairly large lake hidden in the forest. There is an almost jungle-like forest along the Gudenå and there is a beautiful lock at the lake.

Wolves valley, Horsens

A disused gravel pit that is now laid out as a natural area.

Bunkers at the marina, Aarhus

Slightly eerie pipes that acted as protective rooms.

The Ravning Bridge, Vejle

An old Viking bridge over the bog.

Ravnsø, Ry

A really nice swimming lake in the middle of the forest.

The kings pond, Vejle

A beautiful area just outside Vejle, on the way to Billund.

Mossø, a small beach.

On the east side of Mossø there is a cozy little beach.

Dyrehaven, Vejle

The Deer garden in Vejle is special as you can drive thru i in your car.

Sletterhage Lighthouse, Djursland

A well-attended place, yet it kept secrets in the old concrete tunnel.

The hills around Fredericia

Funder ruin, Silkeborg

Raspberry valley forest. The remains of a wine cellar from a cottage built in the early 1900s.

Lions head, Stensballeskov, Horsens

A special place deep in Stensballe forest. The lion head has surely adorned a regulating mechanism for the small water mill that has driven by the dammed lake.

The lake at Vrads station, Bryrup

Behind Vrad's station there is a beautiful lake and a huge forest area.

Hvidbjerg Beach, Vejle

A dune area in East Jutland, very special.

The infinite bridge

A circular bridge into the sea, near Tangkrogen.

Torsted valley, Horsens

In the middle of the Torsted district is an elongated green area. The majority consists of a rainwater basin where horses keep the area, but there is no public access. There is a nice path all the way around.

Egebjerg Lake, Horsens

A nice lake with a canal lock and the stream has a long twisted run. The upper path is most exciting, steeply down and narrow paths.

Bear Cave in Odder

In the early 1800s there was a small zoo in the woods. It was the owners of the manor Rathlousdal who created the garden. It became an excursion place for the whole town of Odder.

Snepstrup church path

The renovated path between Sneptrup rectory and Ovsted Church. Really beautiful nature and there are wooden paths !!

Elleskovstien, Hørsholm

A wooden path through the marshy area towards Sjælssø.

Ebeltoft City, Djursland

Ebeltoft is an exciting city with lots of small streets where the houses are old and crooked. There is a long pedestrian street with lots of tourist traps and eateries. Yet here is incredibly cozy. And the whole town of hollyhocks. The city is the center of all holiday homes, campsites and tourists visiting Djursland.

Sugarhill Gammel Ry

A long hill comb with stunning views and a huge forest.

Search for the holy spring, Gammel Ry

The Holy spring in Gammel Ry? On one of our trips, we spoke with a huge viking with braided beard, he told that him and his wife often went to the holy spring near Gammel Ry to fill bottles of spring water so they had a store to drink. Perhaps it is St. Sørens sping at Sankt Sørens Church? Or can it be another?

Ferup Lake

A lake along the walking route Troldhedestien, which was built on the disused railway tracks from Troldhedebanen. The railway was closed in 1968.

Luftschutzbunker, Lunden Horsens

Have you thought what is under the concrete towers of the old bomb shelters?

The end of the world, Uldum Pond

Good walking around Uldum pond. There are plenty of wooden trails and the trip is probably 7-8 kilometers in total. Huge skies and open spaces.

Uldum Kær

As part of the project of finding paths in East Jutland we were in Uldum kær. Finding the paths was not an easy task as we do not know the area.

Troensø Horsens fjord

The "island" is a sandbank that has formed over the last 50 years. In 2011, the island was so large and with plants that it could be called a real island.

Øm Monastery Museum

Øm monastery was formed in 1172 by Cistercian monks. It became a huge manor with lots of land. By the Reformation in 1536, they lost their possessions and the monastery was closed in 1560.

Beach park, Horsens ved Næsset

A small beach where there are rarely many people. The park is part of the old water park which was there until 1973.

Fyel bathing lake, Østbirk

A brand new bathing lake has been created in the gravel pits between Østbirk and Vorvadsbro.

Kings bridge, Silkeborg

A place where you can walk on a bridge under a bridge! If you go under the bridge you will reach the trail between Silkeborg and Randers. It is a long path that in the old days was used to pull boats upwards the river. The boats were pulled by horses or by hand. There are lots of both old and new wooden steps through the marshy area.

Borre Knob, Juelsminde

It is a seaweed that goes far out in Horsens fjord. Almost all the way to Alrø. Park right after the conference center. There is a nice car park.

Chr. Winthers Sti, Holte

Wooden path along the lake shore.

Trelde Næs, Fredericia

Trelde Næs is a good excursion destination. There is a beach and good trails in the forest. On the right side of the peninsula there are steep slopes and lots of overturned trees.

The megalithic grave Mårhøj, Fyenshoved

Swan Lake, Skanderborg

A beautiful tour around the lake, which starts between houses and ends deep inside the forest.

Stenbjerg landingsplads

An iconic place you just have to visit if you are a tourist at the westcoast of Denmark.

Panoramaruten Mariager Fjord

Path between Hobro and Bramslev Bakker. You can choose to start at both sites. In 2016, the route was certified as a Premium Hiking Trail by the Deutsches Wanderinstitut. The path is 10 kilometers long and ends back in the parking lot. NOTE: The path goes through fields with sheep and cows.

Bakkelunden, Horsens

Once it was the city's landfill, now it has been made into a recreational area. There is a good playground for both small and large children. It has also become a little tarzan track. It can easily be used by adults.

Bird Tower Snaptun

The bird tower was made in 2018 and is built around a large tree. Here you have a view of the harbor and the islands Alrø and Hjarnø.

Harbour porpoise Safari, Kerteminde

Fjord & Bælt in Kerteminde has during the summer Harbour porpoise Safari. It is a fast trip in the inflatable boat that sails 50 knots.

Tower Priorslykkevej, Horsens

One day we drove home from Horsens I came to see a tower on the edge of the forest. We have been driving a lot of times since Horsens is the nearest town and actually the city I was born and raised in. It was a secret place with that tower, I could see.

Vestbirk hydroelectric power station

A hydropower plant that still produces electricity and the walk itself is pretty good. Some times there are arranged tours, but you can always see the old dynamos and gauges by looking in the windows. Especially the outlet under the plant looks great with the rushing water.

The stones of the gods, Bøgebjerg Strand

A large rock in the waters edge with bowl shaped holes from the Stone Age.

The Grejsdal path between Vejle and Jelling

In 2017 the Grejsdal path opened where you can walk between Vejle and Jelling. It is also possible to take short trips on the path. We were in the opening ceremony and there were a lot of people and mud.

Skanderborg Valley

Skanderborg, Legårdsvej. Interesting vally

Stenhøj Strand to the left

A nice stone beach with very steep slopes.

Die Hügel am Gammel Rye

A great place for a walk with the family. The hills are just outside of Gammel Rye.

Møgelkol Voerladegaard

Beautiful forest right down to Mossø. Møgelkol is the viewpoint overlooking most of the lake. Very hilly and steep walk.

Ejer baunehøj, Skanderborg

It is probably not the most secret place, but it is quite cozy and there arent many visitors. It is one of the highest places in Denmark with 170.35 meters. The trip to the right of Ejer Bavnehøj goes to Møllehøj 170.86 meters, which is the highest place we have in flat Denmark.

Bridge at Ry marina

A little walk in the area behind the Ry marina

Mill park, Odder

Beautiful valley between the manor houses, Vejle

A small forest that starts between the houses and ends at the church. It is close to one of Vejles steepest roads, Stampesvej.

View point at Sukkertoppen

The view is at the other end of the ridgeline where the real Sukkertoppen is. It is a point highest up on the hill with absolutely free view of Mossø.

Swamp path Skanderborg

Behind the treatment plant there is a nice forest. Drive along the road at the sewage treatment plant. Keep right on the open area at the end of the road. Then there is a forest boom and a dog forest right after.

Haurum sea-stone, Uldum

One of the largest stones in Denmark. 10 meters in circumference and 2 meters high. It is said that only half are above ground.

Solar System at Bollerstien, Horsens

At the beginning of the path is the sun. Further out of the path come all the planets. It really gives a good insight into how big our solar system really is.

Bygholm Meadows, Horsens

A walk through the meadow, you go under the highway throu a tunnel with af walking bridge, then finally through a smaller tunnel back under the highway. Beautiful natural area, there is plenty of traffic noise from the highway. But if you can ignore the noise it is a great trip.

Slaggård banke, Østbirk

A collection of burial mounds, with a beautiful view just outside Østbirk.

Viewpoint Trustrup Høje, Odder

From the top there is a view of Alrø and a large part of Horsens Fjord. The nicest road is along the gravel road from the fjord side and up. There is a sign at the start of the gravel road.

Purhøj north, Horsens

A path that goes on the north west side of Purhøj, the path goes through dense forest, up the side of the hill and ends at the foot again.

Rosenvold Dunes, Stouby

A meadow area close to the beach, here the nature alternates between forest, meadow and something that could resemble dunes with reeds.

Nebel Church plot, Horsens

Boller Castle garden, Horsens

The garden is cared for by volunteers and has both a park, a Japanese garden and a medicinal garden.

Norsminde Harbor

Cozy little harbor with a beautiful beach further out.

Gejsdalstien, from Lerbæk Møllevej, Vejle

A good walk through a flat landscape, it goes steeply down to a lot of wooden stairs and bridges. The path goes all the way from Vejle to Jelling. Also nearby is one of Denmarks only hairpin bends.

Stenhøj Strand to the right

From the parking lot you can go to the left and there is a nice and orderly beach. If you turn to the right instead, you will experience a wild landscape with deep cracks in the forrest and big landslides.

Landscape of heather and broom, Hærvejen

The long staircase, Fyenshoved

A staircase up to a fantastic view of the entire Fyenshoved.

Fingerhav Bollerskov, Horsens

A small peninsula in Horsens fjord.

Torsted Meadow lake, Horsens

The area is an old bog where a new lake has been dug. There is parking in the industrial area, where you must keep along the curb. It looks a bit rustic and secret. It is also a single car park on the main road, the access from the industrial area is more exciting.


A walk to the outer tip of Fyenshoved

Places not yet explored.

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Place Description

Chalk pit, Ålborg

A chalk pit from the Aalborg Portland Cement Factory.

Path between Nexø and Balka, Bornholm

The 6 forgotten giants, Copenhagen

The giants can be found in i Rødovre, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj, Albertslund og Høje Taastrup. The are a part of a tresurehunt for beatifull nature. All are made of recycled wood. Link

World Map At Klejtrup Lake

Bindeballe Købmandsgård

Helen's House on Ørre hede, Herning

An old poor house built in 1816 to house the cellar Johannes Axelsen and his family. The house is now a small museum. It turned into a small community with 5 houses called Sammelstedby.

Lemvig Sødal

An ice age landscape with deep channels.

Boat trip with the boat Svanen, Hobro

Vikinge center Fyrkat

Tirpitz museet i Blåvand

A bunker museum where much is encapsulated in glass. The well-known architect Bjarke Ingels has been involved in the project

Kyststien mellem Snaptun og Juelsminde

Kongernes Jelling

Gyldensten strand, Bogense

Søby Brunkulsmuseum

Bicycle trip from Vejle to Bindeballe

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